How To Successfully Shop At A Hardware Store During The COVID-19 Pandemic

Hardware stores have everything you need to make your home into a beautiful, welcoming place. You can stock up on plumbing supplies to upgrade your bathroom, buy the lumber you need to build new planter boxes, and more. Navigating a hardware store can be tricky if you haven't been inside one before, and the coronavirus pandemic can make shopping in an unfamiliar store difficult. Here are a few tips that will help you successfully shop at your local hardware store during the COVID-19 pandemic.

1. Do your shopping online.

Online shopping is a wonderful tool that allows customers to browse available products without leaving their homes. You can save time by purchasing your hardware equipment online. Most hardware stores have websites that allow customers to purchase products online. You can select a shipping option to have your items shipped directly to your home. If you need your items immediately, you may be able to pick them up from the store in-person after purchase. Online shopping allows you to limit your exposure to other shoppers, which can reduce your risk of contracting COVID-19.

2. Bring your face mask.

Many stores have implemented policies requiring customers and employees to wear face masks on the premises. Avoid being turned away at the door by bringing the proper personal protective equipment with you. Even if your local hardware store doesn't require face masks for entry, it's still a good idea to wear one. A face mask will help you stay safe and comfortable while you shop, so you can browse the hardware products at your leisure.

3. Look for in-store guides.

Avoid making unnecessary trips to the store by getting everything you need the first time. If you're unsure of what you need to purchase, helpful in-store guides can help you. Many hardware stores offer informational pamphlets that can help customers pick the right products for any home improvement job. Hardware store employees can also help you by recommending products based on your goals. Making fewer trips to the store will help you save time and also limit your exposure to COVID-19.

4. Spend some time in the garden section.

Many hardware stores offer garden sections that boast seeds, planters, spades, and more. Some hardware stores even sell live plants. Nature can have a rejuvenating effect on your body and mind, and planting a home garden may be just what you need to combat the cabin fever of COVID-19. Take a walk through your hardware store's garden section to start planning a garden of your own.

For more information, contact a local hardware store.
