Create A Custom Rosary

Remembering the words of a prayer or determining the order in which you will state a series of prayers aloud may require commitment and practice. A set of custom rosary beads will aid you in your journey to acquiring a closer relationship with your higher power. Use the following suggestions to create a beautiful string of beads.

Common Bead Types

Wood, precious metals, or stones are typically added to a set of rosary beads. Different material colors and textures can make a rosary look interesting. A bead is essentially any hard material that has been rounded and perforated. Creating a custom set of beads will give you the freedom to use a specific design element.

Some people prefer using unfinished wooden beads to design a rosary. Olive wood is often used to symbolize peace. This wood variety has a hardy, smooth texture. People of any faith can use a set of rosary beads. It is customary for a person who is of the Catholic faith to use a rosary, but there are no restrictions that prevent a follower of any other faith from using a set of custom beads while praying.

A Custom Rosary

You will need a sturdy chain, a thin rope, or a cotton string to use as the anchoring material for the beads that will be secured to your rosary. Large, medium, and small beads may be sold separately at a jewelry store or a craft shop. Consider the placement of the beads and the features that you would like to use to enhance each one. A series of gloss or matte craft paints can be used to embellish plain wooden beads.

You can paint each bead a distinct color or can use a series of stencils to add some custom symbols to each wooden bead. If you would like the rosary to contain a few accent pieces that correspond with the design of each wooden bead, purchase some glass, stone, or metal beads. Use these beads to break up the groups of wooden beads that are on your rosary. Choose beads that represent your favorite color or birthstone. 

Some retailers sell custom rosary kits. A kit will contain the anchoring material and a series of beads that can be used to create a unique strand of beads. You may be supplied with paint, sparkles, an adhesive, and other craft materials that can be used to embellish the beads that are part of a kit.

For more information, contact a custom rosary company, such as Bethlehem Handicrafts.
